All too often, highly qualified and talented employees willingly leave their jobs. In today’s competitive job market, it’s difficult to understand why someone would walk away from established employment.
The Huffington Post compiled a list of nine things that make good employees quit. The article doesn’t place the blame on undesirable positions, rather, it points the finger at sub-par management.
A simple conclusion is drawn from the many reasons listed as to why people quit — namely, people don’t leave jobs, they leave the managers. Studies have found that a full 57% of organizations say employee retention is a problem, and now it turns out that the employers might be to blame.
The main reason given is that employees are simply burnt out. All too often, people are overworked and given more tasks than they can handle without increasing status or pay.
In the world of business, incentives matter, and employees quit because they feel their hard work and contributions aren’t being recognized or rewarded. Top performers will continue to deliver when their work is praised.
The article goes on to blame a number of other employer shortcomings, such as failure to develop people’s skills and a lack of empathy for the employees. Simply put, many people feel like their boss just doesn’t care.
In summation, the article warns employers to think carefully about how they treat their staff.
High turnover can be easily avoided. A recent how-to guide published in The Wall Street Journal shows how much turnover costs truly affect a business.
The guide offers advice and tips that are sure to be helpful for any employer, including offering benefits and perks. Another suggestion from WSJ? Hire from within.
Here’s an abbreviated version of the list from The Huffington Post, highlighting all of the things employers are doing wrong:
- They don’t care about their employees
- They don’t honor their commitments
- They hire and promote the wrong people
- They don’t let employees pursue their passions
- They fail to challenge workers intellectually