Study Finds Groupthink, Attentiveness, Focus All Improve During Coffee-Served Meetings

Posted on May 29, 2018July 19, 2024Categories Featured News   Leave a comment on Study Finds Groupthink, Attentiveness, Focus All Improve During Coffee-Served Meetings

Approximately 30% of the population drinks coffee occasionally, but it seems as though working professionals should start enjoying coffee a little more, especially during important meetings. According to, a new study reveals coffee being served at workplace meetings can actually make the entire meeting more productive and efficient. There has been plenty of research in terms of how coffee improves focus and attentiveness at the individual level, but this groundbreaking study proved that this productive beverage can drastically improve … Continue reading “Study Finds Groupthink, Attentiveness, Focus All Improve During Coffee-Served Meetings”

How Are Brick-and-Mortar Stores Staying Afloat in an Amazon-Ruled World?

Posted on May 29, 2018July 19, 2024Categories Featured News   Leave a comment on How Are Brick-and-Mortar Stores Staying Afloat in an Amazon-Ruled World?

In today’s digital-focused world, many consumers are choosing to shop online from the comfort of their home rather than head out to brick-and-mortar stores. Because of the increasing popularity of online shopping, many retail experts are wondering if online marketplaces like Amazon will soon wipe-out physical shops. But it looks like both online marketplaces and brick-and-mortar stores are making adjustments to keep up with the competition. For starters, Amazon is no longer just online. That’s right — the largest online … Continue reading “How Are Brick-and-Mortar Stores Staying Afloat in an Amazon-Ruled World?”

Florida, Texas Residents Prepare For Above-Average Hurricane Season

Posted on May 8, 2018July 19, 2024Categories Featured News   Leave a comment on Florida, Texas Residents Prepare For Above-Average Hurricane Season

The Atlantic hurricane season officially begins on June 1 and lasts through November 30 each year. It’s important for business owners and property owners alike in the South and Southeast to take all the necessary steps in order to prevent severe hurricane damage as the storms inevitably make their way towards the United States. According to Emergency Management, Texas counties that were struck hard last year by Hurricane Harvey have advised its residents and business owners to start taking all the … Continue reading “Florida, Texas Residents Prepare For Above-Average Hurricane Season”

Millennials Are Changing The Modern Workplace For The Better, Survey Shows

Posted on May 1, 2018July 19, 2024Categories Featured News   Leave a comment on Millennials Are Changing The Modern Workplace For The Better, Survey Shows

It’s no secret millennials have been given some bad press. However, according to NBC News, the millennial generation is changing America’s office culture for the better. A recent survey by Gallup shows that millennials (1981-1996) have the same sense of contentment with their workplace as those of older generations. Yet, it’s millennials who are pushing for changes in the workplace that are desired by everyone. “Most workers, many of whom are millennials, approach a role and a company with a … Continue reading “Millennials Are Changing The Modern Workplace For The Better, Survey Shows”