Digital Marketing Trends To Watch Out For In 2019

Posted on August 21, 2019July 19, 2024Categories Business   Leave a comment on Digital Marketing Trends To Watch Out For In 2019

Digital marketing is very complex and always in constant flux. Small business owners want to find and reach their ideal customer and Google algorithm updates make that incredibly challenging. We’ve reached out to digital marketing experts and consultants who focus on professional web design to ask them what trends to expect in 2019 and how small business owners can navigate through algo updates. Create Engaging Content “One of the tactics that have been getting us great results for our clients is … Continue reading “Digital Marketing Trends To Watch Out For In 2019”

Divorce: How To Do It Without Hurting Your Finances

Posted on August 20, 2019July 19, 2024Categories Featured News   Leave a comment on Divorce: How To Do It Without Hurting Your Finances

Unfortunately, divorce is incredibly common in the United States, with between 40 and 50% of marriages ending in separation. Even the smoothest and most easy-going of divorces can be a threat to your personal finances. You’re going from a double-income household to a single-income income household in a short period of time. If you’re not prepared, you could jeopardize your savings and even your retirement funds. So how can you keep your finances secure when you’re going through such a … Continue reading “Divorce: How To Do It Without Hurting Your Finances”

Amazon Workers Strike On Prime Day With Limited Results

Posted on August 16, 2019Categories Featured News   Leave a comment on Amazon Workers Strike On Prime Day With Limited Results

Earlier this month, Amazon warehouse workers went on strike globally to protest the conditions of Amazon warehouses and impossibly high quotas. Many people, in support of these protests and strikes, boycotted the e-commerce giant throughout the duration of the company’s annual sale. Despite these efforts, Amazon workers have yet to see significant changes as a result of the strikes, still facing difficult conditions, high quotas, and physical strain on the job. Amazon Continues To Dominate E-Commerce Since its creation in the earlier … Continue reading “Amazon Workers Strike On Prime Day With Limited Results”

How To Create An Effective Disaster Recovery Plan For Your Business

Posted on August 3, 2019July 19, 2024Categories Featured News   Leave a comment on How To Create An Effective Disaster Recovery Plan For Your Business

The majority of modern businesses rely heavily on IT to run at least part, if not all, of their daily operations. Even the 2,800 medical clinics in operation need IT to run efficiently. Managers dread the thought of this system going down, as it would mean a major stall in business. It’s imperative for any company that depends on an IT infrastructure to have a disaster recovery plan in place. If the unthinkable happens, this plan ensures that you can … Continue reading “How To Create An Effective Disaster Recovery Plan For Your Business”