Wisconsin DOT Budget Proposes Increased Taxes and Fees for Hybrid Owners and Diesel Users

Posted on November 18, 2014July 19, 2024Categories Business, Taxes & LawTags , ,   Leave a comment on Wisconsin DOT Budget Proposes Increased Taxes and Fees for Hybrid Owners and Diesel Users

One of the incentives of buying a hybrid car, besides the attractive fuel economy and environmental friendliness, is that purchasing a new hybrid vehicle can come with federal tax benefits of up to $3,400. This benefit, however, has the chance of being undercut by tax increases proposed by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. According to the Star Tribune, the Department of Transportation budget, which was submitted last Friday, outlines a few different tax and fee increases, which together amount to … Continue reading “Wisconsin DOT Budget Proposes Increased Taxes and Fees for Hybrid Owners and Diesel Users”

New Startup Builds Wearable, Medical Devices

Posted on November 17, 2014July 19, 2024Categories Business, Entrepreneurs   Leave a comment on New Startup Builds Wearable, Medical Devices

For years, medicine has either come in bottles, or blister packaging — the cards with peelable lamination over single dose units — but a new startup is introducing an innovative way to package and administer medicine. Technically speaking, the Amiko Inhaler is a wearable activity tracker that wraps around medical packaging, which means it’s basically a personal medical assistant with a built-in inhaler. Though there have been scores of other such devices that monitor wearers’ health signs before, Amiko is … Continue reading “New Startup Builds Wearable, Medical Devices”

New Study Finds That Getting More Sleep Means Needing Less Sick Leave

Posted on November 12, 2014July 19, 2024Categories Business, Leadership   Leave a comment on New Study Finds That Getting More Sleep Means Needing Less Sick Leave

It’s long been known that adults require approximately hours of sleep every night, but a new study published in the medical journal Sleep gives a new reason to get all 40 winks — employees who get enough sleep are less likely to take sick days. Researchers surveyed 3,760 men and women ages 30 to 64 on their sleep habits, and then compared their answers with work absenteeism data from each participant over the course of 7.2 years. The survey also took into … Continue reading “New Study Finds That Getting More Sleep Means Needing Less Sick Leave”

Safer Streets in NYC Come With Financial Benefits for City Residents

Posted on November 11, 2014July 19, 2024Categories Business   Leave a comment on Safer Streets in NYC Come With Financial Benefits for City Residents

New York City drivers are in the middle of a sticky situation right now, as the city starts enforcing its new 25 mph speed limit. Starting on Friday, November 7, any vehicle caught driving over the 25 mph limit — lowered from the standard 30 mph limit that NYC has used for quite some time — will be charged with a minimum fine of $150 if caught and pulled over by a law enforcement official in person (although the fine … Continue reading “Safer Streets in NYC Come With Financial Benefits for City Residents”

Chinese Consumers Are Turning To Online Lenders for Help As Home Prices Skyrocket

Posted on November 7, 2014March 17, 2025Categories Business, Financing, Investing   Leave a comment on Chinese Consumers Are Turning To Online Lenders for Help As Home Prices Skyrocket

The Chinese real estate industry is in a confusing place right now, with home prices at an all-time high, but dropping so quickly that industry experts can’t predict how stable the industry will be in the months to come — much less how the entire situation will affect China’s economy as a whole. But the real problem is that the real estate industry can’t be analyzed just by looking at the big picture; as more statistics roll in, describing the … Continue reading “Chinese Consumers Are Turning To Online Lenders for Help As Home Prices Skyrocket”