Fact Check: Does Donald Trump’s Debt Plan Actually Work?

Posted on April 13, 2016July 19, 2024Categories Featured News   Leave a comment on Fact Check: Does Donald Trump’s Debt Plan Actually Work?

Donald J. Trump wants to Make America Great Again, but he’s recently drawn scrutiny for his claim that he could easily pay down the national debt in eight years. Politicians and economists generally cite the U.S. national debt as being somewhere around $19 trillion. Of course, that’s in addition to the estimated $11.9 trillion in personal debt held by U.S. households, so far. So could Trump actually use his famous business accolades and alleged genius to make the country’s $19 … Continue reading “Fact Check: Does Donald Trump’s Debt Plan Actually Work?”

Obama’s New Rule to Protect Investors From Dishonest Brokers

Posted on April 11, 2016July 19, 2024Categories Featured News   Leave a comment on Obama’s New Rule to Protect Investors From Dishonest Brokers

The Obama administration announced a new rule on Wednesday, April 6, setting a higher standard for stock brokers. The new rule, known as the Fiduciary Standard, requires retirement advisors to act in the clients’ best interest above all. Previously, brokers were required to just recommend investments that could be considered “suitable” for the client. However, after reports of numerous rip-offs in which brokers were suggesting investments that would result in higher payments for themselves regardless of the effect on the … Continue reading “Obama’s New Rule to Protect Investors From Dishonest Brokers”

FINRA Rule to Provide Aid for Transferring of Assets

Posted on April 5, 2016July 19, 2024Categories Featured News   Leave a comment on FINRA Rule to Provide Aid for Transferring of Assets

The Financial Industry Regulation Authority proposed a new rule last week that will provide questions that should be asked to the self-regulatory organization. NASDAQ reports that when member firms hire another firm’s representative, they must provide an electronic or paper “educational communication” from FINRA to former clients if they try to persuade them to move their assets. This written communication must be provided to clients when they are first contacted about transferring their assets. Regarding the ruling, FINRA officials said, … Continue reading “FINRA Rule to Provide Aid for Transferring of Assets”

How Much Will Millennials Need To Retire? You Don’t Want To Know…

Posted on April 5, 2016July 19, 2024Categories Featured News   Leave a comment on How Much Will Millennials Need To Retire? You Don’t Want To Know…

Here’s a fun piece of trivia: Millennials will need about $2 million to retire comfortably. Unless you enjoy making fun of the youngest generation, that number is less is terrifying. People love to hate Millennials, or the generation born between 1982 and 1994. Even the word “Millennials” has been overused so much that the word itself can prompt Olympic-level eye rolling. But new data from USA Today should inspire sympathy for the Me Generation. No, it’s not the $1 trillion … Continue reading “How Much Will Millennials Need To Retire? You Don’t Want To Know…”

The Human Hair Trade Exploits Women Across the Globe

Posted on April 5, 2016July 19, 2024Categories Featured News   Leave a comment on The Human Hair Trade Exploits Women Across the Globe

The human hair trade, growing due to a rising demand for human-hair extensions, is exploiting poverty-stricken girls and women across the globe. Celebrities like Victoria Beckham, Beyonce and the Kardashians have set a trend of enhancing one’s natural head of hair with real hair extensions to add volume and length. But where are these hair extensions coming from? While some women are donating hair of their own free will, many are being robbed of their luscious locks by force or … Continue reading “The Human Hair Trade Exploits Women Across the Globe”

Estimating the Wealth of Batman, Bruce Wayne and the Batfleck

Posted on March 30, 2016July 19, 2024Categories Featured News   Leave a comment on Estimating the Wealth of Batman, Bruce Wayne and the Batfleck

This March, Batman and Superman finally appeared together in a live-action film for the first time in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Unfortunately, fans and critics have mostly walked away from the theater disappointed, and that’s being kind. In its opening weekend, the new Batman v Superman earned an impressive — if slightly disappointing — $166 million at the U.S. box office. Before the big premiere, Time’s finance vertical Money explored just how much it would cost to fight … Continue reading “Estimating the Wealth of Batman, Bruce Wayne and the Batfleck”

Business Owner Sentenced to 2 Year Federal Prison Sentence For Falsifying Valuation Records

Posted on March 25, 2016July 19, 2024Categories Featured News   Leave a comment on Business Owner Sentenced to 2 Year Federal Prison Sentence For Falsifying Valuation Records

A business owner from Springfield, MO, was sentenced to a two year prison sentence on March 24 for a bank fraud scheme involving the construction of his $1.6 million home and the falsification of records related to his business, according to KY3 News in Springfield. Last October, Michael Ussery, 58, was convicted by a jury of his peers on 12 counts of bank fraud. Ussery was the owner of two successful businesses, USS Properties and Villa Properties. In 2007, he … Continue reading “Business Owner Sentenced to 2 Year Federal Prison Sentence For Falsifying Valuation Records”