Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities Not Performing Well, Experts Say

Posted on July 17, 2015July 19, 2024Categories Business, Economy, Investing   Leave a comment on Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities Not Performing Well, Experts Say

Despite an ostensibly strong showing in previous years, commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS) are starting to lose their strength. reports that after an incredible return of 11.4% to CMBS investors in 2014, a return better than several other investments such as junk bonds and treasuries, the first half of this year saw a dismal CMBS return. JPMorgan Chase and Co. and Barclays Plc index found the securities fell 1.84% in June, a dip that caught many investors off-guard. CMBS are … Continue reading “Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities Not Performing Well, Experts Say”

Banks Are Trying to Stay Afloat with New Methods of Business

Posted on July 17, 2015July 19, 2024Categories Business, Economy, Investing   Leave a comment on Banks Are Trying to Stay Afloat with New Methods of Business

Feel like a latte with your loan? A Capital One branch is hoping that a new initiative, in which cafes will be located inside bank branches, will pay off for them. As a result of a huge shift in the banking industry due to the prevalence of online and mobile banking, banks are finding it harder and harder to get customers to come into their branches. The problem is, the banks need their customers to come into their branches for … Continue reading “Banks Are Trying to Stay Afloat with New Methods of Business”

Sea-3, Inc.’s Expansion Proposal Under Review

Posted on July 15, 2015July 19, 2024Categories Business, Investing   Leave a comment on Sea-3, Inc.’s Expansion Proposal Under Review

Transportation and storage company Sea-3, Inc. is trying to expand its operations at its Newington, New Hampshire plant. reports that New Hampshire’s Site Evaluation Committee has already granted the company an exemption from a 12-month review of its previous expansion project in the late 1990s, and the company is hopeful the committee will do the same for its proposed project, which was approved by the Newington Planning Board last year. Paul Bogan, Vice President of Operations for Sea-3, Inc.’s … Continue reading “Sea-3, Inc.’s Expansion Proposal Under Review”

What’s The Only U.S. City Investing In Affordable Housing, Not Luxury Units?

Posted on July 9, 2015July 19, 2024Categories Business, Investing   Leave a comment on What’s The Only U.S. City Investing In Affordable Housing, Not Luxury Units?

On Tuesday, July 7, Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh announced a surge in affordable housing construction in the New England city. Even though Boston is one of the most expensive real estate markets nationwide, 43% of all new housing built in 2015 is either affordable housing or middle-class housing and rental units, representing a rare exception to the national rule. Luxury home prices may never reach the inflated levels they experienced prior to the Great Recession, but they are trending … Continue reading “What’s The Only U.S. City Investing In Affordable Housing, Not Luxury Units?”

The Growth in China’s Money Market Funds Could Pose Risks

Posted on June 17, 2015July 19, 2024Categories Economy, InvestingTags , , ,   Leave a comment on The Growth in China’s Money Market Funds Could Pose Risks

In February, the most prestigious international financial institution in the world, the International Monetary Fund, rated China as the number one economic superpower in the world, surpassing the United States based on the purchasing power parity of gross domestic product indicator. In other words, China produced 17% of the world’s GDP in 2014, while the U.S. only produced 16%, making it the stronger economic power in the eyes of the IMF. Now, this dominating economic superpower’s asset management industry is … Continue reading “The Growth in China’s Money Market Funds Could Pose Risks”

New Report Predicts Falling Home Prices Starting in 2017

Posted on June 4, 2015July 19, 2024Categories Business, Investing   Leave a comment on New Report Predicts Falling Home Prices Starting in 2017

Americans should expect to see home prices fall for a three-year period starting in 2017, according to a new projection by Bank of America analyst Chris Flanagan. That’s because of a lack of earning gains in recent years, he says. “We do not see income growing fast enough to keep up with the past few years of rapid increases in home prices,” he explains in his analysis. The projection isn’t necessarily cause for alarm; the property declines will be “modest,” … Continue reading “New Report Predicts Falling Home Prices Starting in 2017”

Home Values for First-Quarter 2015 Surveys Show a Higher Increase Than Expected

Posted on May 27, 2015July 19, 2024Categories Business, Economy, Investing   Leave a comment on Home Values for First-Quarter 2015 Surveys Show a Higher Increase Than Expected

In major 20 cities throughout the U.S., home values rose at a faster rate in the first quarter of 2015 than analysts had predicted in 2014. The Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg Business both report that a limited number of available homes is likely to continue driving values up for the rest of the year. According to the SandP/Case-Shiller index report, released on May 26, property values have increased by 4.1% since March 2014. Bloomberg has reported, from a survey … Continue reading “Home Values for First-Quarter 2015 Surveys Show a Higher Increase Than Expected”