The growing trend of legalizing medical marijuana has been opening up doors for business opportunities for both new investors and experienced veterans.
More than a decade after he retired from practicing podiatry, Dr. Dave Feller said he might be inclined to get back into the workforce as a result of the numerous employment opportunities that will open up now that medical marijuana has been legalized in the state of Pennsylvania.
“I want to see what medical conditions are allowed to be treated with medical marijuana and if podiatry is one of them,” said Feller. “If people are in pain and this law will allow treatment of medical marijuana, this is another avenue to use other than opiates and anti-inflammatories.”
Feller isn’t the only one who thinks this, either. In fact, as many as 31 million Americans suffer from back pain and other ailments at any given time, and the growing trend of medical marijuana treatment may just be the solution. Since four in five new heroin users started out misusing prescription painkillers, individuals should look to other ways to treating chronic pain rather than relying on addictive painkillers.
Today, increasing numbers of athletes suffering from traumatic injuries or chronic pain are using cannabis infused creams and oils instead of traditional opioid painkillers. In doing so, they’re turning the “lazy pothead” stereotype on its head.
Cannabis contains a non-psychoactive cannabinoid called cannabidiol (CBD) that studies have demonstrated is effective in relieving pain.
The human body has CBD receptors, and when an ointment containing CBD is applied to an injured area, the body produces CBD and directs its healing efforts to that particular location.
CBD has been proven to aid the healing of an injury naturally, and different strains can be used for various medicinal purposes, including pain relief.
The way Feller sees it, the medical marijuana industry could not only provide an alternative method of pain management for his patients, it could be a way to supplement his retirement income.
Feller was among more than 160 people who packed into a seminar held at Pittsburgh Marriott North in Cranberry, which was hosted by U.S. Cannabis Pharmaceutical Research and Development.
The Melbourne, FL-based consulting company hosted two sold-out events last weekend to educate people on the variety of ways they can play a role in what promises to be a profitable and fast-growing industry of legalized pain management.
As a pharmacist, Mark Hahn, 37, said he attended the seminar because he is interested in how medical marijuana can help people with seizure disorders who don’t respond to traditional medicines.
“I want to learn more about the risks and benefits of medical marijuana,” Hahn said, adding that he also is excited about the possibility of a second job. “It does seem to be a growing industry. I’m looking to learn more.”