It’s no secret millennials have been given some bad press. However, according to NBC News, the millennial generation is changing America’s office culture for the better.
A recent survey by Gallup shows that millennials (1981-1996) have the same sense of contentment with their workplace as those of older generations. Yet, it’s millennials who are pushing for changes in the workplace that are desired by everyone.
“Most workers, many of whom are millennials, approach a role and a company with a highly defined set of expectations,” said Gallup. “They want to learn and develop. They want their job to fit their life.”
Up to 60% of employees, regardless of age, said that their ability to do what they do best at their job is extremely important to them. But, according to the survey, millennials were more likely than baby boomers and Gen Xers to say it’s very important for them to have a job that accelerates their career development.
Millennials are striving for jobs they’re passionate about and ones that fit in the bigger picture of their careers. It’s perhaps no surprise then that millennials are responsible for a number of figurative improvements in the modern workplace.
According to Inhabitat, millennials are pushing the companies they work for to contribute more to the world around them be it environmental, social, or financial. As a result, modern workplaces have been making shifts toward eco-friendly lighting, solar power, and recycled materials.
The use of recycled materials in the workplace is especially important considering 17% of everything printed is considered waste.
Workplaces have also been increasing employee flexibility in terms of where employees are able to work. In today’s age of technology both at home and in the office, the need for employees to come into the workplace to work isn’t as necessary as it used to be.
Finally, companies have also begun to use open office spaces to promote greater communication, collaboration, and creativity. The traditional office layout of cubicles and high-powered offices create psychological and physical barriers that millennials are set on doing away with.
And for good reason. Employees are three times more engaged in their work when they interact directly with their managers.
“[The] process creates buy-in and helps employees define success in their roles,” Gallup said. “Accomplishing goals created with a manager feels all the more gratifying to employees because they are ‘our goals,’ not just ‘my goals’ or ‘your goals,’ and this shows in their engagement.”