There’s a reason retirement age is considered to be “The Golden Years” of life: after having spent several decades working and saving, you finally get to relax and do all the things you were unable to do as a young adult, whether because of financial restrictions or lack of time. America certainly boasts a multitude of beautiful environments to retire in, but why not spend the twilight years of your life abroad?
Many people plan to travel, yet those plans never come to fruition; it can be exceptionally easy to let time get away from you, but there is never such thing as “too late.” If you are lucky (or motivated) enough to still possess an adventurous spirit when your body begins to fight you, retiring to Europe may be the perfect way to wind down your long and successful life. Here are three reasons why Ireland is the ideal retirement destination and on top the best bucket list.
- Healthcare: Here in the U.S., if you don’t have insurance, you don’t get treatment; this can be a big scare for those above the age of 65, who — more than anything — just want to remain healthy at home for as long as possible. Ireland boasts a wonderful public health service that acts similarly to insurance stateside; because residents pay yearly fees into this national health system, their individual fees are much more affordable. For example, a trip to your general practitioner carries a flat rate, like a copay, and those over the age of 70 can apply for a GP card which eliminates that flat rate. What you pay is determined by what you earn, so health care is extremely accessible for those who retire to Ireland.
- Temperate climate: With over 3,000 miles of coastline and an unfathomable amount of lush landscapes, Ireland is a nature-lover’s dream. Though it may see plenty of rain, Ireland possesses one of the most consistent climates in Europe; with temperatures rarely going above 65 in the summer and below 37 in the winter, you will not have to suffer from the discomfort that extreme heat and extreme cold tend to bring. This means you won’t need to pack a lot of extra clothing in preparation for four entirely separate seasons, although you will need your fair share of rain gear — it tends to rain around 150 days out of the year. However, this constant downpour contributes to the endless greenery the nation is known for.
- Culture: If you’d like to experience a different way of life without sacrificing all of your creature comforts or taking the time to learn a new language, the Emerald Isle provides a perfect mixture of unique history with an extremely adaptable local culture. Whether you decide to settle in rural Ireland or in a bustling city like Dublin, you’ll be exposed to modern and traditional cultural phenomena alike. If you or your spouse love history, there’s plenty to be had in the Gaelic origins of the nation, and you may even find yourself dipping a toe or two into Gaelic language lessons!
Ireland offers a picturesque ideal of retirement. Whether you prefer rolling hills and herds of sheep or busy streets filled with endless shops, the Emerald Isle has something for everyone. Erin Go Bragh!