If you are grappling with so much debt that you have little to no hope of ever being able to pay it all back, bankruptcy is an option that is definitely worth consideration. According to the Bankruptcy Institute, in July of 2013 there were 87,684 bankruptcy filings in the United States. Even though thousands of people — including celebrities — file for bankruptcy each year, the mere mention of the word itself can make people uncomfortable. This is often based … Continue reading “To File or Not to File Bankruptcy…That is the Question”
Price Chopper’s 83 In-Store Pharmacies Will Soon Offer Extra Care for Patients With Special Medical Conditions
Posted on January 20, 2015July 19, 2024Categories Business Leave a comment on Price Chopper’s 83 In-Store Pharmacies Will Soon Offer Extra Care for Patients With Special Medical ConditionsMany consumers already go to their local pharmacies any time they need prescription medications filled, knowing that their pharmacists will be able to fill the prescriptions within one day, while also providing expert advice and warnings about the medications. The Price Chopper supermarket chain, however, is taking this service to the next level by offering one-on-one patient-pharmacist consultations with its newest specialty pharmacy program, which was recently announced at the beginning of January. The supermarket chain, which is based in … Continue reading “Price Chopper’s 83 In-Store Pharmacies Will Soon Offer Extra Care for Patients With Special Medical Conditions”
Seattle Dog Recognizes the Benefits of Public Transit; Takes Herself to the Dog Park on Bus Line
Posted on January 20, 2015July 19, 2024Categories Business, Leadership Leave a comment on Seattle Dog Recognizes the Benefits of Public Transit; Takes Herself to the Dog Park on Bus LineGas prices have now fallen below $2 per gallon in states across the country, hitting $1.95 in some cities on the West Coast. Although many people are probably taking advantage of the cheap prices at the pump by driving more, there’s another ripple effect — more people are also using public transportation, due to lower ticket prices. Bus passengers in Seattle, however, may find themselves with an unusual seatmate — a friendly black lab named Eclipse. Seattle is a very … Continue reading “Seattle Dog Recognizes the Benefits of Public Transit; Takes Herself to the Dog Park on Bus Line”
Want Your Marriage to Last? It Might Be as Simple as Spending Less on the Ceremony
Posted on January 19, 2015July 19, 2024Categories Economy Leave a comment on Want Your Marriage to Last? It Might Be as Simple as Spending Less on the CeremonyThe rate of failure for American marriages is notoriously abysmal. According to the American Psychological Association, as many as 40 to 50% of marriages will end in divorce. This means that of the 180 or so marriages that take place in New York City alone on any given day, nearly 90 are doomed to fail from the start. But what if there was a way to ensure that your marriage lasts and doesn’t just become another statistic? The solution to … Continue reading “Want Your Marriage to Last? It Might Be as Simple as Spending Less on the Ceremony”
As Flu Rates Increase, Urgent Care Clinics Expand Their Locations
Posted on January 13, 2015March 17, 2025Categories Headlines Leave a comment on As Flu Rates Increase, Urgent Care Clinics Expand Their LocationsEveryone knows that, during the colder winter months, the flu — a viral infection that targets the body’s respiratory system — can run rampant. However, many people may be surprised to hear that this common condition can be fatal, especially when it is contracted by patients who are very old or very young. For this reason, doctors typically recommend that patients get a yearly flu vaccination and seek out medical care if they experience any symptoms. Now, due to the … Continue reading “As Flu Rates Increase, Urgent Care Clinics Expand Their Locations”
Will More Body Cameras Really Help Solve the Issue of Police Brutality?
Posted on January 5, 2015July 19, 2024Categories Headlines, Technology Leave a comment on Will More Body Cameras Really Help Solve the Issue of Police Brutality?With a simmering distrust brewing between minority communities and police departments across the nation, the call for police body cameras is growing louder. However, critics argue that more body cameras will not offer a viable solution. At the beginning of December, the White House asked for $263 million in funding for more police body cameras and training. On December 16, L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti announced that the City of Angels would buy 7,000 body cameras for police, using about $1 … Continue reading “Will More Body Cameras Really Help Solve the Issue of Police Brutality?”