Investors typically look for the strength of returns and as little risk as possible when considering new investments. Yet with an unpredictable stock market, many are moving away from Wall Street and looking toward the annuity industry instead. The most popular products for investors right now are variable annuities, but fixed annuities are becoming more common as well. They attract buyers because of the way they perform in down markets. This means that when everything else depreciates, a fixed annuity … Continue reading “Market Shows Fixed Annuities Increasing in Popularity”
Lockheed Martin Corp. May Be Merging Businesses
Posted on October 6, 2015July 19, 2024Categories Featured, Featured News Leave a comment on Lockheed Martin Corp. May Be Merging BusinessesLockheed Martin Corp. may be merging two of their smaller information technology companies, according to a report from Reuters on October 2. The value of the merger with a government services contractor stands at an estimated $4 billion, said sources close to the issue. The information technology business is multifaceted, branching into network administration, design, telecommunications, computer support, computer science, software programming and system analyses. This particular deal would create the largest single government services contractor in the nation, with … Continue reading “Lockheed Martin Corp. May Be Merging Businesses”