California City Approves $6 Million for Downtown Sewer Replacement Project

A city in Southern California got the green light to initiate a $6 million project that will replace more than 1,000 feet of aging downtown water and sewer pipelines.

The City Council of Oceanside, CA, unanimously approved the project, understanding the need for a system rehabilitation. According to The San Diego Union-Tribune, the project planners will use the massive budget to replace more than four miles of pipeline that has reached the end of its lifespan.

Officials say some of the pipelines are simply too old and narrow to handle the increase in population and capacity. The current pipes are less than eight inches in diameter, which restricts hydraulic flow.

Cari Dale, the city water utilities director, said that this project would be both restorative and preventative. Not only will it fix existing leaks and discrepancies in water quality, it will also prevent other sewer line breaks from occurring.

Some of the pipes have been in use for over 100 years, but experts suggest that sewer systems should consider replacement around the 40-year mark.

“It’s not crumbling infrastructure, but it’s reached the end of its useful life,” Dale said. “We’re getting in front of emergencies that would cost a whole lot more.”

The project is set to begin early this year; it is estimated that it will take over a year to complete. About 270 residential and 30 commercial water meters will be replaced as a part of the project’s efforts.

The city as already begun to notify residents on the streets that will be impacted through public outreach efforts. If there are questions and concerns regarding the project, the city of Oceanside has opened a hotline phone number that community members can call.

Dale understands that the construction may pose an inconvenience for some. She asks that residents “be patient and use the hotline” if needed.

The project will be completed in phases to avoid construction during the busiest seasons. Crews will attempt to limit inconveniences and keep traffic flowing by starting at the northern end of the city, then working south toward the downtown area after the busy summer months have passed.

According to Dale, when all five phases of the project are completed, a total of 264,000 feet of water and sewer lines will be replaced in the downtown area

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