Is It Worth Buying a Unique House with ‘Grandfathered in’ Architectural Features? It’s a Risk the Rich Are Willing to Take

Posted on April 10, 2015July 19, 2024Categories Business, Economy, Investing   Leave a comment on Is It Worth Buying a Unique House with ‘Grandfathered in’ Architectural Features? It’s a Risk the Rich Are Willing to Take

Home buyers looking for a unique resale may be paying a premium, but they also might be getting a house that wouldn’t be built today, according to zoning laws. Extra-large mansions in some areas, especially, often don’t meet current building codes, according to the Wall Street Journal. Because many cities have stricter building codes today, home builders truly don’t make them how they used to. One such home belongs to Christian de Berdouare, from Miami Beach, FL. He obtained the … Continue reading “Is It Worth Buying a Unique House with ‘Grandfathered in’ Architectural Features? It’s a Risk the Rich Are Willing to Take”

Did You Remember to Deduct Charitable Donations from Your Tax Bill? If You Haven’t Filed Yet, It’s Not Too Late

Posted on April 10, 2015January 11, 2021Categories Taxes & LawTags , , , ,   Leave a comment on Did You Remember to Deduct Charitable Donations from Your Tax Bill? If You Haven’t Filed Yet, It’s Not Too Late

The deadline to file taxes is almost here, so if you’ve done any charitable giving for 2014, now is the time to take a look at your tax deductions again before April 15 arrives.According to U.S. News and World Report, many people overlook the smaller donations they’ve given throughout the year. Whether it was an extra dollar or two given at the supermarket checkout line for a food pantry or a one-time pledge to help a friend running a charity marathon, … Continue reading “Did You Remember to Deduct Charitable Donations from Your Tax Bill? If You Haven’t Filed Yet, It’s Not Too Late”

Supreme Court Hears Two Arguments Reflecting Personal Bankruptcy Law

Posted on April 10, 2015July 19, 2024Categories Taxes & LawTags , , ,   Leave a comment on Supreme Court Hears Two Arguments Reflecting Personal Bankruptcy Law

The U.S. Supreme Court is currently hearing two ongoing cases that could have far-reaching impacts on personal bankruptcy law. According to an April 1 Jurist article, the justices recently heard oral arguments regarding Harris v. Viegelahn, a case in which the courts must decide how funds are to be distributed when a debtor converts his or her bankruptcy case from a Chapter 13 plan to a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Bankruptcy petitioner Charles Harris originally filed a Chapter 13 bankruptcy repayment plan, making payments … Continue reading “Supreme Court Hears Two Arguments Reflecting Personal Bankruptcy Law”

Federal Flood Insurance Premiums Skyrocket for High-Risk Area Homeowners

Posted on April 6, 2015July 19, 2024Categories Headlines, Taxes & LawTags , , ,   Leave a comment on Federal Flood Insurance Premiums Skyrocket for High-Risk Area Homeowners

Just as the winter weather is finally starting to warm up and snow-covered cities across the U.S. are starting to see sunlight, homeowners who have purchased flood insurance under the federally backed National Flood Insurance Program (NIFP) received an unwelcome surprise: starting on April 1st, policyholders have begun receiving renewal notices with substantially higher premium rates than before. According to the New York Times, the rate changes are not consistent across the board; instead, the majority of homeowners will see increases between … Continue reading “Federal Flood Insurance Premiums Skyrocket for High-Risk Area Homeowners”

Texas Republican Partners With California Environmentalist to Promote Energy-Efficient Financing Program

Posted on April 2, 2015July 19, 2024Categories Business   Leave a comment on Texas Republican Partners With California Environmentalist to Promote Energy-Efficient Financing Program

When it comes to climate change, there are few men more different on paper than Jim Keffer and Cisco Devries: while Keffer is a Republican state lawmaker in Texas who doubts that global warming is a man-made phenomenon, DeVries is a former aide to the mayor of Berkeley, CA who calls climate change the defining issue of our generation. He even has the solar panels on his roof to prove it. However, when it comes to the potential economic benefits … Continue reading “Texas Republican Partners With California Environmentalist to Promote Energy-Efficient Financing Program”

Vape Shops Band Together to Fight Anti-E-Cig Legislation from Government, Big Tobacco

Posted on March 31, 2015July 19, 2024Categories Business   Leave a comment on Vape Shops Band Together to Fight Anti-E-Cig Legislation from Government, Big Tobacco

Some advantages of vaping are the variety of appealing flavors, the cheaper cost, and the ability to vape without matches or lighters. Your basic e cig or a vapor pen are also being targeted. The biggest perk of all is that these products help millions of people to quit smoking cigarettes. There lies the real reason that many people are looking to ban it. The fallacy lies with the notion that vaping is a worse health risk than smoking cigarettes … Continue reading “Vape Shops Band Together to Fight Anti-E-Cig Legislation from Government, Big Tobacco”

Ford Partnering With Microsoft to Deliver Over-the-Air Updates to Connected Vehicles

Posted on March 25, 2015July 19, 2024Categories Business   Leave a comment on Ford Partnering With Microsoft to Deliver Over-the-Air Updates to Connected Vehicles

When most drivers think of maintaining their cars, they probably focus on mechanical repairs (four out of five of which are related to durability). But Ford Motor Co. announced last week that it will partner with Microsoft Corp. to provide wireless software updates in a new generation of Ford and Lincoln vehicles. “It’s us recognizing that, more and more, we are a software and technology company,” Don Butler, director of connected vehicles for Ford, told the Financial Times for a March 17 … Continue reading “Ford Partnering With Microsoft to Deliver Over-the-Air Updates to Connected Vehicles”