New Report Predicts Falling Home Prices Starting in 2017

Posted on June 4, 2015July 19, 2024Categories Business, Investing   Leave a comment on New Report Predicts Falling Home Prices Starting in 2017

Americans should expect to see home prices fall for a three-year period starting in 2017, according to a new projection by Bank of America analyst Chris Flanagan. That’s because of a lack of earning gains in recent years, he says. “We do not see income growing fast enough to keep up with the past few years of rapid increases in home prices,” he explains in his analysis. The projection isn’t necessarily cause for alarm; the property declines will be “modest,” … Continue reading “New Report Predicts Falling Home Prices Starting in 2017”

Is Facebook Too Influential?

Posted on June 3, 2015July 19, 2024Categories Business, Economy, Sales & Marketing, TechnologyTags , , ,   Leave a comment on Is Facebook Too Influential?

Facebook has become one of the most powerful, influential forces online. There are 1.44 billion monthly active Facebook users, 65% of whom use it daily. About 6% of the total time web users collectively spend on the Internet each day is devoted to perusing Facebook. In March 2013, the social network drove 21.25% of all traffic that sites received. Now, people are questioning the impact Facebook’s influence is having after a new study from the Pew Research Center for Media … Continue reading “Is Facebook Too Influential?”

Despite High Northeast Pollen Levels, Big Data Calculations Helped the Northeast Survive Spring Allergy Season

Posted on June 3, 2015July 19, 2024Categories Headlines   Leave a comment on Despite High Northeast Pollen Levels, Big Data Calculations Helped the Northeast Survive Spring Allergy Season

Predicting the severity of the spring allergy season each year is no easy feat; between calculating possible pollen levels to estimating how much allergy medicine will be consumed by adult (and pediatric) consumers, it’s not uncommon for researchers to make inaccurate predictions. In 2010, for example, the Northeast region of the U.S. went through an allergy medicine shortage. According to a recent report from the Wall Street Journal, several pharmaceutical companies struggled to produce enough allergy medicine for residents during … Continue reading “Despite High Northeast Pollen Levels, Big Data Calculations Helped the Northeast Survive Spring Allergy Season”

Congress Introduces Bill to Connect Even Veterans With Telemedicine

Posted on May 29, 2015July 19, 2024Categories Taxes & Law, TechnologyTags , , ,   Leave a comment on Congress Introduces Bill to Connect Even Veterans With Telemedicine

A new bill currently making its way through Congress would remove even more barriers to veterans’ access to telemedicine, making it easier for them to seek treatment for mental illness. According to, the Veterans E-Health and Telemedicine Support Act of 2015, introduced on May 22, would allow the Department of Veterans Affairs to push needed telehealth services — especially mental health and behavioral services — to veterans who need them, no matter where they are. This would change current … Continue reading “Congress Introduces Bill to Connect Even Veterans With Telemedicine”

Home Values for First-Quarter 2015 Surveys Show a Higher Increase Than Expected

Posted on May 27, 2015July 19, 2024Categories Business, Economy, Investing   Leave a comment on Home Values for First-Quarter 2015 Surveys Show a Higher Increase Than Expected

In major 20 cities throughout the U.S., home values rose at a faster rate in the first quarter of 2015 than analysts had predicted in 2014. The Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg Business both report that a limited number of available homes is likely to continue driving values up for the rest of the year. According to the SandP/Case-Shiller index report, released on May 26, property values have increased by 4.1% since March 2014. Bloomberg has reported, from a survey … Continue reading “Home Values for First-Quarter 2015 Surveys Show a Higher Increase Than Expected”

As Air Conditioning Use Rises, So Do Global Temperatures

Posted on May 22, 2015July 19, 2024Categories Economy, TechnologyTags , , ,   Leave a comment on As Air Conditioning Use Rises, So Do Global Temperatures

The most startling anomaly that signals more bad news for Earth’s climate: the more air conditioning humans use, the warmer the planet gets as a result. Consequently, as the planet warms up, people will continue to crank up their air conditioners even higher. It’s a vicious circle that has become especially pronounced during the 21st century. From 1993 to 2005, as summers grew hotter and homes got larger, residential air conditioning’s energy consumption in the U.S. alone doubled; by 2010, … Continue reading “As Air Conditioning Use Rises, So Do Global Temperatures”

Millennials Are Now the Biggest Generation in the American Workforce, But Their Influence As Consumers Is Equally Important

Posted on May 20, 2015July 19, 2024Categories Business, Economy, Entrepreneurs, TechnologyTags , , ,   Leave a comment on Millennials Are Now the Biggest Generation in the American Workforce, But Their Influence As Consumers Is Equally Important

Recent data from the Pew Research Center and a U.S. Census Bureau survey shows that Millennials are starting to become even more influential, now that they have become the largest generation in the American workforce. The Wall Street Journal and TIME magazine both report that there are 53.5 million Millennials in the workforce, making up about one-third of the working American population. A Pew analysis estimates that Millennials surpassed Gen Xers in the first quarter of the year; this generation is now slightly less … Continue reading “Millennials Are Now the Biggest Generation in the American Workforce, But Their Influence As Consumers Is Equally Important”