California Supreme Court Agrees To Evaluate Constitutionality of Medical Malpractice Damages Cap

Posted on December 9, 2014July 19, 2024Categories Taxes & LawTags , ,   Leave a comment on California Supreme Court Agrees To Evaluate Constitutionality of Medical Malpractice Damages Cap

After California voters in November voted against a proposal to raise the state’s cap on medical malpractice damages, it appears that the state’s Supreme Court will have the final say on the matter, and could very well decide to rule against popular opinion. The state’s current malpractice cap is $250,000, and it has been in place for 39 years since California passed the Medical Injury Compensation Reform Act in 1975. Proposition 46 would have raised the cap to $1.1 million, … Continue reading “California Supreme Court Agrees To Evaluate Constitutionality of Medical Malpractice Damages Cap”

Doctor Brings Rare Spinal Procedure to Utah

Posted on December 8, 2014July 19, 2024Categories Business, Entrepreneurs   Leave a comment on Doctor Brings Rare Spinal Procedure to Utah

A study published earlier this year showed that back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide, and millions of Americans are suffering from chronic back and neck pain at any given time. Hoping to provide relief for this pressing concern, one doctor has introduced a rare new procedure in Utah. Spinal surgeon Armen Khachatryan helped to pioneer the procedure, an artificial disc implantation that can replace the spinal fusion surgery usually used in such cases. “With disc replacement, our … Continue reading “Doctor Brings Rare Spinal Procedure to Utah”

UK Training Manager Travels to Tanzania to Educate on Standards of Forklift Safety

Posted on December 5, 2014July 19, 2024Categories Business, Economy, FinancingTags , ,   Leave a comment on UK Training Manager Travels to Tanzania to Educate on Standards of Forklift Safety

A UK training manager recently spent two weeks in Tanzania to help raise forklift safety standards among driving instructors and workers there. According to the African Business Review, Field Training Manager for Mentor Training Melvin England spent his time in Africa at the National Institute of Training (NIT) in Tanzania to work toward establishing a comprehensive forklift safety training program. England’s work was part of international charity Transaid’s efforts to bolster development in under-developed nations. “Forklift trucks can be some of … Continue reading “UK Training Manager Travels to Tanzania to Educate on Standards of Forklift Safety”

Despite Competition, Some Hospitals Welcome Urgent Care Centers

Posted on December 4, 2014July 19, 2024Categories BusinessTags , ,   Leave a comment on Despite Competition, Some Hospitals Welcome Urgent Care Centers

With hospitals across the United States operating at or above capacity, many people are turning to other healthcare providers to help them access timely and affordable medical treatment. Increasingly, this level of care is found at urgent care clinics, which are privately owned health centers designed to provide convenient care for non-critical injuries and illnesses. Some critics have called the growing numbers of these clinics worrying and have begun pushing for stricter regulations for urgent medical care. However, some hospitals … Continue reading “Despite Competition, Some Hospitals Welcome Urgent Care Centers”

Chinese Investors Taking an Interest in Detroit

Posted on November 26, 2014July 19, 2024Categories Business, Investing   Leave a comment on Chinese Investors Taking an Interest in Detroit

At its height, the city of Detroit was a manufacturing giant known mostly for automobile production. However, most Americans today will likely associate the metropolis with its abandoned buildings and financial woes, especially after a bankruptcy court approved a restructuring of the city’s $18 billion in accumulated debt in November. But despite these negative connotations, Chinese investors are reportedly taking advantage of low property prices and planning to give the Motor City the revival it desperately needs. With home properties … Continue reading “Chinese Investors Taking an Interest in Detroit”

Times Square is Illuminated (By the Biggest and Most Expensive Billboard Yet)

Posted on November 18, 2014July 19, 2024Categories Business, Headlines, Sales & Marketing, TechnologyTags , ,   Leave a comment on Times Square is Illuminated (By the Biggest and Most Expensive Billboard Yet)

There’s one more thing lighting up Times Square these days, and it’s a pretty big deal. Literally. According to the New York Times, this week, the biggest — and priciest — digital billboard in Times Square has been illuminated. The colossal screen stands at about eight stories high and stretches the full block between 45th and 46th Streets. Lighting the billboard are some 24 million LEDs (light emitting diodes). LEDs are very energy-efficient solid light bulbs which save money and … Continue reading “Times Square is Illuminated (By the Biggest and Most Expensive Billboard Yet)”

Wisconsin DOT Budget Proposes Increased Taxes and Fees for Hybrid Owners and Diesel Users

Posted on November 18, 2014July 19, 2024Categories Business, Taxes & LawTags , ,   Leave a comment on Wisconsin DOT Budget Proposes Increased Taxes and Fees for Hybrid Owners and Diesel Users

One of the incentives of buying a hybrid car, besides the attractive fuel economy and environmental friendliness, is that purchasing a new hybrid vehicle can come with federal tax benefits of up to $3,400. This benefit, however, has the chance of being undercut by tax increases proposed by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. According to the Star Tribune, the Department of Transportation budget, which was submitted last Friday, outlines a few different tax and fee increases, which together amount to … Continue reading “Wisconsin DOT Budget Proposes Increased Taxes and Fees for Hybrid Owners and Diesel Users”